Village Greens - The Wool Company team's local community shop

We at The Wool Company are great fans of Village Greens, which is a weekly community shop and cafe, selling local produce, groceries, cleaning products and lots more.

Village Greens is open in the Hall in Mount from 9am til 2pm every Friday, and everyone is welcome. Di keeps a weekly blog that is so well worth reading we want to share it: -

The rain has finally paused, giving us a chance to dry out. On a dog walk in the week I threw caution to the wind and set off without the full compliment of waterproofs. A rookie mistake, the heavy downpour made me feel I was being gently poached.

Despite the adverse weather, over 150kg of apples were picked into boxes and taken to the Apple Day at Upton Cross. They have a trailer mounted hydraulic press, and a team of tireless workers, who pass the apples through a munching device, stack them up for pressing and catch the resulting juice in a giant stainless steel vat, ready for dispensing into containers. Our juice is now fermenting into what we hope will become cider, and if last years efforts can be repeated there's every reason for optimism.

We've hired a small press to use at home for a couple of months, (there are still lots of apples to be picked) in the hope that we'll be able to sell bottles of fresh juice at the this space. There will be a batch of lamb sausages available in the freezer this week, and a great selection of fruit and veg including sweet potatoes, cabbage, calabrese, beetroot, cauliflower, sweetcorn, local apples and tomatoes and lots more.

We are expanding our range of refills, and now have Faith in Nature Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner selling at £7.60 a litre. The big bag of milk chocolate buttons arrived, they are £1.60 per 100g, please bring containers for all your bulk buying.

We've done a bit of research about our close competitor, Tesco, and found that our offerings stand up quite well: our washing up liquid is £1.75 a litre, Tesco are selling an ecological liquid [Ecover] at £2.56 a litre and even their cheapest Fairy liquid is £2.38 a litre! Our laundry liquid is £2.80 a litre and laundry liquid under a brand name starts at £3.00 a litre in the supermarkets. We would love to make these products more easily available within our community, perhaps by arranging deliveries, or bringing them to other events, please get in touch if you're interested, and we'll explore the possibilities. Customers are also welcome to order from our wholesale catalogue, which is delivered once a fortnight.

The cake stall for Macmillan last week raised £80.51, thanks to everyone who contributed, your baking and eating efforts deserve a round of applause.

See you there

Village Greens


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